Tuesday, February 16, 2010

As the rescue world turns

This is my place to bitch.
My place to expose all the scam artist out there.
My place to tell the ones that sit and bitch about the rescues they don't like, to get the hell off their asses and help the horses that no one else wanted to help except the rescue that they don't feel are worthy.
My place to tell the troublemakers to go to hell in a hand basket.

There are so many horses in the United States right now that are being abused, starved, or neglected. So please tell me, whiners on ABR and ICERS, what good does it do y'all to piss and moan about this rescue or that rescue? If you don't like what this rescue does, then get up off the damn computer, and go save that horse so the rescue doesn't have too.

I mean damn this isn't rocket science folks, its a freakin' horse. You don't have to have a $100,000 dollar barn to be able to take care of it. As long as you can provide the required care, then the horse doesn't care if the barn has a damn chandelier in it or not.

I get so tired of these people complaining about this rescue or that rescue, why don't you go walk in these peoples shoes for ONE day and see what you can do different. Is the horse getting out? NO. Is the horse being neglected? NO. Is the horse starving or beaten? NO.

Then shut up and go home, and use your boothorn to pull your head out of your ass.

One of favorite hippocrites is lovely ol' Dixie-poo from ICERS. This woman just pisses me off to no end. I would love to see her barn since she seems to think that she is the self appointed Rescue GOD. Right now she has her sights set on WWER, so she is issuing threats that she will "take this as far as it can be taken." So Dixie-poo-poo, please tell me... Just who the hell do you think you are? By what God given right; do you think you are qualitfed to judge anyone? Or any rescue? I would love to see your creditentals showing that you are a equine cruelty investigator? Are you an Animal Control officer? Are you a volunteer for HSUS and investigating WWER?

The answer is no to all of these questions, because if you were assocaited with any of the above agencies, then you would know to shut your freaking mouth. If there are real concerns about the horses at WWER, then file the reports and see what happens.

Another of the best hippocrites is Ponytales, Gawd we have to love the fact that after she was blasted by Fugly for breeding her nasty stud, that she even has enough balls to show her face again. But here she is bitching about this rescue and that rescue. At least WWER isn't out there breeding more FUGLY horses, asshat.

I can't leave out BillNDaisyB, what another nut job. She just loves to stir the pot. So what have you done lately to help out a horse that is needing help. NOTHING, but bitch, bitch, bitch about how the person that DID step up to help the horse is not doing things as you like. So what, as long as the horse is being cared for, SHUT UP.

Please tune in tomorrow for another episode of as the Rescue World Turns....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Why did you remove Amanda's post, it reminds me of another person who does that
