Thursday, February 18, 2010

We only need to collect $3050 to save them

My issue with this is that there was a private home wanting a draft, but once again a rescue has the horses on hold. Didn't this same shit just happen a while back with HMER placing holds on a paint? So now we have Frog Pond doing it with the drafts. WTF? If there is someone out there that has the funds and means to buy the horse then the rescues should all be grateful and step aside. I personally thought that the whole point of rescue was to save the UNWANTED horses, not fight with private homes over them. Am I the only one that has a HUGE issue with this? Come on rescues, pull your heads out of your asses, put your big girl panties on, and do the right thing for the horses.

I really like Frog Pond and think they are doing the right thing by the blind gelding, but why pay $800 for him, when you don't' have the funds needed to pay for and ship the others. I would think it would be much better to save a sound, sane horse than one you are going to put down immediately. So tell me what is going to happen to the other horses, if you can't raise the remaining $1000+ needed?

Does any of this make any sense to you? First the private home issue, now the blind horse and still needing $$ to save all of them. Seems like a scam to me.

Ok another thing that is really ticking me off is the scam artist extraordinary HMER. She is placing her order early for 2 minis. I hope that Frank is able to fulfill her request for her. My question about this, is if she has a adopter for a mini, why doesn't she point them to a rescue that has a mini ready for adoption? Why not??? Because then she wouldn't be able to raise the purchase money for it on ABR, then turn around and sell it to the adopter for a fee, and collect more money. Hmmm... Sounds like a horse trader to me. And of course all of this is done with the blessing of ABR.

I am really starting to wonder how much of a kickback is going into Alex's pocket from all this. He turns a blind eye to anyone that tries to expose the truth about these scams, and bans anyone that says a bad word agianst him. Methinks there is a reason why!!!!

Tune it tomorrow for another edition of As the Rescue World Turns.... When we will discuss the Queen B of the scammers, Horse Angels on FB.

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