Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gee, guys, we made a blog! & NJ Angels

So poor ol' Dixie Poo Poo is bitching about being on my blog, oh well. Tough titties said the kitties when the milk tasted shitty. At least I am exposing these dumb asses, scam artist, and hoarders for what they are. I am not sitting around with my head up my ass all day bitching about this one or that. I am doing something proactive about it.

OHHH BE STILL MY SHAKING HEART!!! Billndaisyb has found my name. I am shaking in my boots now. Get the fuck over yourselves, and go rescue a freaking horse already. Oh I forgot, you guys don't do that, all you do it bitch about what ABR is doing.

Dumb ass awards go to ICERS.

Jeez what freakin morons.

So here we are getting ready for another Camelot auction tomorrow, I am still waiting on Sharon to show us how much money she is scamming (I mean collecting) to save the horses out of the Camelot pen. Very interesting that she didn't hesitate to pay for the two weeks board on Bart, but will not allow anyone to donate money to save a certain horse. I love her quote, "if the horse you donated money to was saved by someone else, be happy that it got a home" she needs to add, "because you sure in the hell will not get a penny back from me". What a grand scam she is running.

One of the best things is that she has all these little cheerleaders sticking up for her. If anyone doesn't agree with a single word she says, poof, she bans them. What a control freak.

I would love it if someone has the time to add up all the dontation Sharon's group collects this week. Then lets see how much she pays out.

I saw a sign for a church today, and I think we all need to remember this "We have all sinned". No one is perfect.

1 comment:

  1. I guess this means you are not going to be participating in the candle vigil for MJ Horse Angles, er I mean Angels...
